Thursday, March 19, 2009

For Thurs. 3/19: Coq Au Vin (um, without the vin...)

Well, I had everything set to make this recipe, doubled (using 12 thighs instead of breasts, because I got thighs on sale for $0.59/lb. the other week and they've been waiting in my freezer for a nice crockpot recipe) and using full-grown portabellos, halved before slicing (because they were 1/3 cheaper than the baby ones per lb.-- I bought them by the lb., the babies were only available in packages; btw, 4 medium-to-large portabellos are about a pound) and I was all ready to go. I even got a nice white wine, on clearance because something had spilled on the label for half off.

Now the thing you have to understand about this story is that we are non-drinkers. We got 2 "kitchen tools" sets when we were married that had corkscrews in them; we gave one to the thrift store and the other has been bouncing around our house unused and continually snatched away from the toddlers who always seem to find and play with it, for fear they will poke someone's eye out... Anyway, I saw it last month but when we went to look for it it was not there. Nor was it anywhere else we could find it. At this point it was 2 in the morning so it was not like I could call my dad to bring over his corkscrew and open the bottle for us (and then probably take the rest of the unused wine away with him.) So, we were in a jam.

Well, I ended up substituting. I used the substitution someone else said they had done with it-- 2 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar with apple juice to make 1 cup. Everything else went smoothly and hopefully after 6 hours on Low, with some rice on the side, no one will know the difference... It smells very good, I'm sure it will taste fine. And I guess the unused bottle of wine will go to my mom, who has been wonderfully helpful this tax season, taking us to Emma's doctor appointments, keeping the kids while she was in the hospital, and coming over when Bridget was too cranky for words and I was overwhelmed (and bringing dinner.)

Note: the recipe has mushrooms. It was just too good to pass up. I'm sending leftover roast chicken for the guy who doesn't eat mushrooms.

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